I am Nor Fatila Roki

Selasa, 18 Oktober 2016


PAMERAN SENJATA NUKLEAR: Segala Yang Anda Hargai-Dunia Bebas Daripada Senjata Nuklear.


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Pameran tersebut dijalankan dengan kerjasama Soka Gakkai Internasional (SGI) dan Kempen Antarabangsa untuk Memansuhkan Senjata Nuklear (ICAN). Pameran ini telah dilancarkan di Hiroshima pada bulan Ogos 2012 di Kongres Dunia ke-20 Pakar Perubatan Antarabangsa untuk Pencegahan Perang Nuklear (IPPNW).
SGM merupakan penganjur utama pameran tersebut. SGM adalah sebuah organisasi Buddha yang yang secara aktif menggalakkan keamanan, kebudayaan dan pendidikan melalui perubahan dan sumbangan sosial. Berakar umbi dalam falsafah hidup mengesahkan Nichiren kemanusiaan, kasih sayang dan hormat kepada kehidupan, aktiviti SGM dijalankan dengan pemahaman yang dikongsi bersama dalam hubungan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan yang wujud antara kebahagiaan individu dan keamanan dan pembangunan masyarakat. Melalui reformasi dalaman yang diarahkan, ahli-ahli SGM berharap untuk menyumbang kepada kemajuan komuniti mereka dan membina sebuah masyarakat di mana rakyat pelbagai budaya dan agama boleh hidup dengan aman.

  1. Untuk memperluas sokongan terhadap penghapusan senjata nuklear dengan menyediakan peluang untuk belajar dan mendalami isu ini dari pelbagai sudut pandangan.
  2. Untuk menyediakan maklumat dan perspektif yang memperkasakan orang untuk mengambil tindakan demi masa hadapan yang diingini.
  3. Untuk membina momentum dalam kalangan rakyat ke arah pengharaman senjata nuklear melalui perjanjian yang melarang senjata nuklear.
Nuclear weapons are the greatest environmental danger to the planet from humans, not global warming or ozone depletion.
Alan Robock


Senjata nuklear atau bom atom merupakan sejenis senjata pemusnah yang terhasil dari tindakbalas berangkai nuklear. Senjata nuklear adalah hasil daripada “Manhattan Project”. Iaitu sebuah projek pembangunan untuk bom nuklear yang pertama. Projek yang diketuai oleh ahli fizik, profesor J. Robert Oppenheimer ini merupakan kerjasama Amerika Syarikat (A.S) dengan Canada dan United Kingdom. 
Terdapat dua jenis senjata bom nuklear iaitu “Nuclear Fission Bombs (Bom Atom)”. Dalam tindakbalas nuklear, setiap nukleus atom akan terbahagi kepada dua neutron. Jenis yang kedua pula ialah “Nuclear Fusion Bombs (Bom Hidrogen)”. Dalam tindakbalas nuklear, setiap dua atom kecil dan isotop hidrogen akan bergabung menjadi atom yang lebih besar.
Ujian bom atom yang pertama telah di lakukan pada 16hb Julai 1945 di Socorro, New Mexico, A.S. Bom yang dikenali sebagai “Trinity” menghasilkan kuasa letupan bersamaan 20 Kiloton TNT. Ujian bom ini menunjukkan bermulanya era atom/nuklear. Ujian Bom Hidrogen yang pertama telah di lakukan pada 1hb November 1952 di salah sebuah “Pulau Elugelab“, di Republic Marshall Island. Kod Ivy Mike” digunakan untuk operasi ini dan ujian ini telah menghasilkan tenaga letusan 10.4 Megaton TNT iaitu 750 kali ganda lebih kuat dari letusan Bom atom Hiroshima. Kuatnya letusan ini telah menyebabkan Pulau Elugelab hilang dari peta dunia!
Kejadian pada 6hb Ogos 1945 merupakan peristiwa kekal dalam ingatan warga dunia apabila Curtis LeMay, seorang Jeneral Tentera Udara Amerika Syarikat telah menetapkan tarikh tersebut untuk opearsi menjatuhkan Bom Atom di Hiroshima, Jepun. Letusan Bom Atom tersebut telah menyebabkan 140,000 nyawa terkorban.
Hiroshima, Jepun

Terdapat banyak faedah yang diperoleh melalui pameran tersebut. Antaranya ialah ia dapat memberi pendedahan yang lebih meluas kepada pelajar tentang bahayanya kuasa nuklear kepada manusia sejagat. Kempen tersebut juga dijalankan bagi memberi kesedaran dan menggalakkan pelajar untuk memberi sokongan terhadap pengharaman senjata nuklear. Setiap manusia mempunyai keinginan untuk melindungi insan dan harta yang disayangi daripada segala bahaya dan ancaman. Oleh itu, kita juga perlu mempunyai keinginan untuk melindungi alam daripada perbuatan manusia yang seterusnya boleh memusnahkan atau memberi kesan kepada insan dan harta yang dilindungi itu.
Selain itu, program ini juga dapat menanam sifat bencikan keganasan dalam kalangan pelajar. Keganasan yang berlaku di sesebuah negara akan memberi kesan kepada semua dan bukannya memberi kesan kepada sesetenganh individu sahaja.
Dr.Sahidah bersama Pelajar Kumpulan J Sains Pemikiran & Etika
Terdapat banyak kesan negatif daripada kuasa nuklear tersebut. Salah satu daripadanya ialah ianya telah memberi kesan yang buruk terutamanya kepada wanita dan ibu-ibu mengandung. Kebanyakan wanita mengalami barah reproduktif dan kelahiran yang tidak normal. Secara amnya, mereka melahirkan namun anak tersebut tidak dapat digambarkan seperti anak-anak yang lain kerana sifat fizikalnya yang digambarkan hanya seperti “sotong”, “epal”, dan “kura-kura”. Kebanyakan bayi yang lahir tidak mempunyai tulang dan kulit yang lut sinar. Kita boleh melihat otak mereka dan denyutan jantung mereka.Selain itu, ia boleh menyebabkan kerosakan pada radiasa badan, ancaman haba dan ancaman kemusnahan alam.  Ini menunjukkkan betapa bahaya kuasa nuklear bukan sahaja kepada manusia malahan boleh memusnahkan seluruh alam ini.
We have to face the fact that either all of us are going to die together or we are going to learn to live together, and if we are to live together we have to talk.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Former US First Lady


Secara kesimpulannya, semua pihak perlu berganding bahu bagi mengatasi, menghalang penggunaan senjata nuklear ini secara tidak terkawal kerana ia membawa lebih banyak kesan negatif kepada manusia, alam sekitar dan haiwan.



Isnin, 23 November 2015







Jumaat, 20 November 2015


Stress, according to Dr. Selye is the “single, non-specific reaction of the body to a demand made upon it”. A non-specific reaction of the body is when there’s some situation, irritation, or force confronting you, your body responds in a particular way. This response is far different, however, than your body’s response if you step on a thumbtack with a bare foot, walk into a freezing meat locker, or get slapped upside the head. What’s the difference? For the latter events, your body,s reaction is quite specific. You feel the pain of the thumbtack, the chill of the meat locker, or the sting of the slap in a specific location at a specific time. The pain or discomfort is quite specific. By contrast, an irritating situation is a more nebulous, non specific stimuli. Both can cause a form of pain as well. This pain however, comes in the form of stress. You don’t always recognize it, yet the price it exacts upon your body can be significant.

Causes of stress
Personel finances 
Too many responsibilities 


  • Drink water. 
Half the time, when you’re under stress, simply taking a sip of water will immediately make you feel better. A dry mouth seems to accompany many types of anxious situations. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

  • Twist and shout. 
Physical movement can relieve tension. You can take a walk around the block, stretch right within your office, and use the stairs instead of the elevators. After work, blow off steam by going places where it’s okay to yell-sports bars, baseball games, conventions, or pep rallies. By the way, when barreling down the highway alone in your car, some therapeutic singing may also help reduce stress. Yelling may even work.

  • Improve your posture. 
Have you noticed that you begin to slouch when you get a phone call, or you slink further and further into the easy chair when you watch television? The body was made to be upright and erect. When you talk, eat, walk and sit with full and proper extension, your systems work better and minor stresses melt away.

  • Contemplate pleasant thoughts. 
Whether it’s a waterfall, the picnic you had last Sunday, what it will be like when you’re with your lover next, visualization can calm the mind and soothe the soul. You don’t have to get heavily into meditation or yoga ; simply develop the ability to take two to five minutes out of your day to peer out the windows, or simply close your eyes. Get into a quiet space, and feel good about aspects of your life.

  • Use visualization. 
Tomorrow morning as you get ready for work, rather than switching on the radio or TV, quitely envision how you would like your day to be. Include everything that’s important to you-the commute, entering your building or your office, sitting down at your desk, handling tasks, and taking breaks. Envision interacting with others, going to lunch, conducting or attending meetings, using the phone, finishing up projects, and walking out in the evening. With this exercise alone, you’ll begin to feel a greater sense of control in aspects of your job that you may have considered uncontrollable.

  • Buy a hand gripper. 
A tennis ball, a racquetball, or a hand-gripper at your desk is a marvelous stress reducer. Squeeze it when you feel tense to achieve a release.

  • Buy a joke book. 
If The Far Side by Gary Larson or Cathy by Cathy Guisewite bring a smile to your face, keep such cartoons within easy reach. One good laugh, and your whole temperament can change, plummeting the stress you feel back down to a manageable level.

  • Build slack into your schedule.
A paradox among accomplished people is that the more they achieve, the more they believe they can achieve, and with less effort. If you think something is going to take two hours, plan on it taking three and schedule accordingly. This a great stress reducer. If you finish in far less than three, fine.

  • Volunteer. 
Serving others helps you to increase your self-respect and sense of accomplishment. When you staying isolation, your worries intensify. So, serve soup or pick a cause. Choose one cause or one issue, and take some kind of action outside your home. There’s little use in intelectually resonating with the world’s challenges and problems. Action is customarily invigorating. Your ability to make a real, if minute, difference will immediately lessen your concerns about attaining some breathing space.

  • Reduce some of your costs. 
Living beyond your means is one of the most stressful forms of existence in our society. What can you do right now to eliminate some onerous monthly expenses? Can you trade in your car? Can you sell vacation property? Can you eliminate subscriptions? Take a look at what you don’t need.

Khamis, 19 November 2015


1. Complete most important tasks first.
This is the golden rule of time management. Each day, identify the two or three tasks that are the most crucial to complete, and do those first. Once you’re done, the day has already been a success. You can move on to other things, or you can let them wait until tomorrow. You’ve finished the essential.
2. Learn to say “no”.
Making a lot of time commitments can teach us how to juggle various engagements and manage our time. This can be a great thing. However, you can easily take it too far. At some point, you need to learn to decline opportunities. Your objective should be to take on only those commitments that you know you have time for and that you truly care about.

3. Sleep at least 7-8 hours.
Some people think sacrificing sleep is a good way to hack productivity and wring a couple extra hours out of the day. This is not the case. Most people need 7-8 hours of sleep for their bodies and minds to function optimally. You know if you’re getting enough. Listen to your body, and don’t underestimate the value of sleep.

4. Devote your entire focus to the task at hand.Close out all other browser windows. Put your phone away, out of sight and on silent. Find a quiet place to work, or listen to some music if that helps you (I enjoy listening to classical or ambient music while writing sometimes). Concentrate on this one task. Nothing else should exist. Immerse yourself in it.

5. Get an early start.
Nearly all of us are plagued by the impulse to procrastinate. It seems so easy, and you always manage to get it done eventually, so why not? Take it from a recovering chronic procrastinator — it’s so much nicer and less stressful to get an earlier start on something. It isn’t that difficult either, if you just decide firmly to do it.

6. Don’t allow unimportant details to drag you down.We often allow projects to take much, much longer than they could by getting too hung up on small details. I’m guilty of this. I’ve always been a perfectionist. What I’ve found, though, is that it is possible to push past the desire to constantly examine what I’ve done so far. I’m much better off pressing onward, getting the bulk completed, and revising things afterward.

7. Turn key tasks into habits.
Writing is a regular task for me. I have to write all the time — for school, work, my student organization, my blog, etc. I probably write 5,000 – 7,000 words per week. The amount of writing I do may seem like a lot to most people, but it’s very manageable for me, because it’s habitual. I’ve made it a point to write something every day for a long time. I rarely break this routine. Because of this, my mind is in the habit of doing the work of writing. It has become quite natural and enjoyable. Could you do something similar?

8.Be conscientious of amount of TV/nternet/ gaming time.
Time spent browsing Twitter or gaming or watching TV and movies can be one of the biggest drains on productivity. I suggest becoming more aware of how much time you spend on these activities. Simply by noticing how they’re sucking up your time you’ll begin to do them less.

9. Delineate a time limit in which to complete task.Instead of just sitting down to work on a project and thinking, “I’m going to be here until this is done,” try thinking, “I’m going to work on this for three hours”. The time constraint will push you to focus and be more efficient, even if you end up having to go back and add a bit more later.

10. Leave a buffer-time between tasks.
When we rush from task to task, it’s difficult to appreciate what we’re doing and to stay focused and motivated. Allowing ourselves down-time between tasks can be a breath of fresh air for our brains. While taking a break, go for a short walk, meditate, or perform some other mind-clearing exercise.
11. Don’t think of the totality of your to-do list.
One of the fastest ways to overwhelm yourself is to think about your massive to-do list. Realize that no amount of thought will make it any shorter. At this point in time, all you can do is focus on the one task before you. This one, single, solitary task. One step at a time. Breathe.

12. Exercise and eat healthily.
Numerous studies have linked a healthy lifestyle with work productivity. Similar to getting enough sleep, exercising and eating healthily boost energy levels, clear your mind, and allow you to focus more easily.
13. Do Less.
Basically, do less is another way of saying do the things that really matter. Slow down, notice what needs to be done, and concentrate on those things. Do less things that create more value, rather than more things that are mostly empty.

14. Utilize weekends, just a little bit.
Just a little bit on weekends can really lessen the workload during the week. Aim for 2-4 hours per day. You’ll still leave yourself plenty of free time for activities.

15. Create organizing systems.
Being organized saves tons of time, and you don’t have to be the most ultra-organized person in the world either. Systems aren’t complicated to implement. Create a filing system for documents. Make sure all items have a place to be stored in your dwelling. Unsubscribe from e-mail lists if you don’t want to receive their content. Streamline, streamline, streamline.

16. Do something during waiting time.
We tend to have a lot of down-time where we don’t try to do much. Waiting rooms, lines at the store, time on the subway, on the elliptical at the gym, etc. Find things to do during this time. I tend to have a lot of reading for classes, so I bring some of it almost everywhere I go and read during waiting time.

17. Lock yourself in.
No distractions, no excuses. Sometimes, the only way I’m going to get something done is if I’m under lock and key, alone in a room. If you’re like me, realize it, and act accordingly.

18. Commit to your plan to do something.
I kind of mentioned this already, but it’s worth repeating. Don’t flake on your own plan to do something! Be resolute. Be committed. Be professional about it, and follow through. A firm will to accomplish what you decide to accomplish will take you anywhere.
19. Batch related tasks together.
Let’s say that over a given weekend you need to do two programming assignments, write three essays, and make two videos. Rather than approaching this work in whatever order you feel, group the like tasks and do them consecutively. Different tasks demand different types of thinking, so it makes sense to allow your mind to continue to flow with its current zone rather than switching unnecessarily to something that’s going to require you to re-orient.

20. Find time for stillness.
In our go, go, go world, too many people don’t find time to just be still. Yet, it’s extraordinary what a stillness practice can do. Action and inaction should both play key roles in our lives. Discovering time in your life for silence and non-motion reduces anxiety and shows you that there is no need to constantly rush. It also makes it easier to find your work pleasurable.

21. Eliminate the non-essential.
I know this one has been mentioned in one capacity or another already, but it’s one of the most useful tips you can take away from this post. Our lives are full of excess. When we can identify that excess and remove it, we become more and more in touch with what is significant and what deserves our time.

Rabu, 18 November 2015


  1. Quit cold turkey. In the long run it's the easiest and most effective technique of smoking cessation.
  2. Do not carry cigarettes.
  3. Quit smoking one day at a time. Do not concern yourself with next year, next month, next week or even tomorrow. Concentrate on not smoking from the time you wake up until you go to sleep.
  4. Work on developing the attitude that you are doing yourself a favor by not smoking. Do not dwell on the idea that you are depriving yourself of a cigarette. You are ridding yourself of full-fledged smoking because you care enough about yourself to want to.
  5. Be proud that you are not smoking.
  6. Be aware that many routine situations will trigger the urge for a cigarette. Situations which will trigger a response include: drinking coffee, alcohol, sitting in a bar, social events with smoking friends, card games, the end of meals. Try to maintain your normal routine while quitting. If any event seems too tough, leave it and go back to it later. Do not feel you must give up any activity forever. Everything you did as a smoker, you will learn to do at least as well, and maybe better, as an ex-smoker.
  7. Make a list of all the reasons you want to quit smoking. Keep this list with you, preferably where you used to carry your cigarettes. When you find yourself reaching for a cigarette, take out your list and read it.
  8. Drink plenty of fruit juice the first three days. It will help flush nicotine out of your system.
  9. If feeling the need to eat extra food, to aid in avoiding weight gain, consider pre-cutting and keeping handy vegetables such as celery and carrots, and fruit instead of candies and pastries.
  10. If you are concerned about weight gain, do some moderate form of regular exercise. If you have not been exercising regularly, consult your physician for a practical exercise program which is safe for you.
  11. If you encounter a crisis, (e.g. a flat tire, flood, blizzard, family illness) while quitting, remember, smoking is no solution. Smoking will just complicate the original situation while creating another crisis, a relapse into the nicotine addiction.
  12. Consider yourself a "smoke-a-holic." One puff and you can become hooked again. No matter how long you have been off, don't think you can safely take a puff!
  13. Don't debate with yourself how much you want a cigarette. Ask yourself how do you feel about going back to your old level of consumption. Smoking is an all or nothing proposition.
  14. Save the money you usually spend on cigarettes and buy yourself something you really want after a week or a month. Save for a year and you can treat yourself to a vacation.
  15. Practice deep breathing exercises when you have a craving.
  16. Go places where you normally can't smoke, such as movies, libraries and no smoking sections of restaurants.
  17. Tell people around you that you have quit smoking.
  18. Remember that there are only two good reasons to take a puff once you quit. You decide you want to go back to your old level of consumption until smoking cripples and then kills you, or, you decide you really enjoy withdrawal and you want to make it last forever. As long as neither of these options appeal to you - NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF!

Selasa, 17 November 2015


Vaping has gained popularity as the supply of vape pens in the market has increased. Vaping is viewed as an alternative to smoking tobacco cigarettes. Should I take a tryout of vaping? If you have asked yourself like this, knowing the benefits and drawbacks can help you make a wiser decision. Here are the details of pros and cons of vaping.

Possible Pros of Vaping 
1. Vaping Reduces Exposure to Tobacco

Traditional cigarette pollutes the environment and is harmful to both the smokers and nonsmokers around them. Vaping minimizes the harm by reducing your exposure to tobacco and lowering production of smoke to the environment. One cigarette contains over 4000 chemicals which include 400 toxic chemicals harmful to human health and 43 carcinogenic compounds. The chemicals range from arsenic to formaldehyde. However, vaporizers reduce or even eliminate all the chemicals.

2. Vaporizers Eliminate the Smell

Smoking exposes smokers and people around to the smell of tobacco. The liquid in a vaporizer is scentless. It does not release any smell to the environment. Traditional cigarettes produce smell that remains in the smoker's clothes and skin for a long time. Hence, smokers have to wash their hands every time they smoke a cigarette and wash their clothes every day to rid the smell. Vaporizers eliminate this hustle. In addition, the inhaled fluid within vaporizers is colorless, which avoids the staining of the smoker's finger and teeth. Vaporizing does not involve any burning and this protects the smokers' skin.

3. Wide Variety of Vaping Liquids to Choose from

Vaping liquids have different flavors to satisfy different tastes. Smokers can choose the same flavor of vaping liquids as their favorite cigarettes. For instance, smokers who prefer menthol cigarettes can use menthol vaping liquids. Those who prefer traditional cigarette can enjoy tobacco flavored vaping liquids. The vapor is scentless despite the flavors of the vaping liquid.

Possible Cons of Vaping
As the topic "pros and cons of vaping" says, in addition to the advantages, there are still some disadvantages of vaping.

1. Lack of Government Regulation on E-Cigarettes

One of potential drawbacks of e-cigarette is the lacking of government regulations on e-cigarettes. Therefore, it is hard to tell whether the approaches and the quality of the e-cigarettes are safe or not. You can buy any e-cigarette flavor online without limitation or paying any taxes. The FDA announced in 2012 that it could change the regulations on tobacco products including e-cigarettes; however, there is no certain date about the changing so far. Some states such as New York, Los Angeles, and Boston have already introduced new laws on the sale of e-cigarettes. Similar changes in regulation might be introduced in the future. The FDA proposed to extend its authority to e-cigarettes and other tobacco products. Among the new regulations from FDA is a minimum age requirement.

2. Vaping Does Not Help With Quitting Addiction
Although vaporizers offer smokers an opportunity to choose a vape liquid or e-liquid that has no nicotine, there are no specific standards and confirmation on the e-liquid due to the lack of regulations. Some companies offer e-liquids with nicotine, which makes it difficult for consumers trying to overcome the addiction to nicotine. Such products only replace the cigarette with a vaporizer but retain the amount of nicotine. Therefore, consumers just continue to maintain their nicotine intake but avoid the chemicals found in cigarettes.

3. Potential Health Risks of E-Cigarettes

E-cigarettes have potential side effects such as dehydration. Propylene glycol in the e-liquid can absorb and retain water, leading to dehydration. Some smokers might also be allergic to propylene glycol. Besides the propylene glycol, nicotine has negative effects on blood sugar and the circulatory systems. It is addictive and dangerous when pregnant or breastfeeding. Seek your doctor's advice before using e-cigarette or avoid vape liquids that contain nicotine.

4. Risk of E-Cigarette Battery Explosions

There are many reports of battery explosions due to unconfirmed sources of e-cigarettes. One such report was on CBS News where a man was injured when his e-cigarette battery exploded. His tongue, mouth, and teeth were severely damaged. Using any battery including a mobile phone, car or computer battery is risky. A battery can explode at any time even when using an e-cigarette. Just consider the possibility of a battery explosion when evaluating the pros and cons of vaping.

5. Product Imitations

There are many cheap imitations in the market. A very cheap vaporizer is most likely an imitation. Some of the vape pens combust marijuana instead of vaporizing the THC. Just remember to be careful and cautious and do not waste your money on imitations. 
Should You Start Vaping?Now that you know the pros and cons of vaping, should you start vaping? Here is some advice about vaping:
  • Do not start vaping if you do not smoke. Vaping has many heath risks and no benefits.
  • Do not turn to vaping to help you quit smoking. Instead, instead, consider any of the FDA approved methods to quit the habit. There is no evidence proving that e-cigarettes are effective on quitting smoking.
  • You can move fromtobacco to e-cigarettes if you do intend to quit smoking. Consult your doctor before switching and learn about their risks and benefits.

Isnin, 9 November 2015


(i) Change in industrial technique: 
Production technique should suit the needs and means of the country. It is essential that labour intensive technology should be encouraged in place of capital intensive technology. 
(ii) Policy regarding seasonal unemployment: 
Seasonal unemployment is found in agriculture sector and agro based industries.
To remove it:

(a) Agriculture should have multiple cropping,
(b) Plantations, horticulture, dairying and animal husbandry should be encouraged,
(c) Cottage industries should be encouraged.
(iii) Change in education system:
Educational pattern should be completely changed. Students who have liking for higher studies should be admitted in colleges and universities. Emphasis should be given on vocational education. Qualified engineers should start their own small units. 
(iv) Expansion of Employment exchanges: 
More employment exchanges should be opened. Information regarding employment opportunities should be given to people. 
(v) More assistance to self employed people: 
Most people in India are self employed. They are engaged in agriculture, trade, cottage and small scale industries etc. These persons should be helped financially, providing raw materials and technical training. 
(vi) Full and more productive employment: 
The main objective of county’s employment policy should be to increase employment opportunities and productivity of labour. Govt. should adopt a policy that provides employment to all people. 
(vii) Increase in Production: 
To increase employment, it is essential to increase production in agriculture and industrial sectors. Development of small and cottage industries should be encouraged. 
(viii) More importance to employment programmes: 
In five year plans more importance should be given to employment. The programmes like irrigation, roads, flood control, power, agriculture, rural electrification can provide better employment to people. 
(ix) High rate of capital formation: 
Rate of capital formation in the country should be accelerated. Capital formation should be particularly encouraged in such activities which generate greater employment opportunities. Capital output ratio should be kept low. 
(x) Industries in co-operative sector: 
Industries in co-operative sector should be encouraged. Kerala Govt.’ set up a textile mill covering 600 unemployed persons on co-operative basis. This is a novel approach to fight against unemployment. Different State Govt. should take necessary steps in this direction. 
(xi) Decentralisation of industrial activity: 
Decentralisation of Industrial activity is necessary to reduce unemployment. If industrial activities are centralised at one place, there will be less employment opportunities in the under developed areas. So Govt. should adopt such policies which encourage decentralisation of industrial activity. 
(xii) Population control:
The growth of population should be checked in order to solve unemployment, problem. Family planning programme should be implemented widely and effectively.